my remaining physics questionsAs I am reconsidering my relationship to academia, I am looking into the kinds of research directions that feel alive for me. A lot of the questions 2024-04-01 personal maths mines physics research emergence emerge probability ai deep-learning spacetime eqm philosophy qm
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QISS 2023 Spring SchoolFor 6 days and 7 nights, a medieval castle in the french countryside was inhabited by grad students, postdocs, and professors. The 50 researchers 2023-04-29 personal qiss admin organisation event school
My two main passionsThe ocean and mathematics. Both worlds are starkly otherly, yet, they are deeply connected to our human and social world. The ocean are the vastest 2023-03-31 personal maths ocean
[x,p] = ihbar{x,p}One thing that puzzled me while learning QM is the relation between the quantum mechanical commutator and the Poisson bracket from classical 2023-01-25 qm commutator poisson_bracket insight mines
Up the ladders of infinityI applied to give a talk at Boom music festival in 2023. I don’t know how many people there are interested in mathematics, but some would be. In any 2023-01-03 maths personal infinity psychedelia festival presentation application